AV Dawson Transport - Services
AV Dawson Transport offers a range of logistical services to suit your business’ needs.
AV Dawson Transport offers a range of logistical services to suit your business’ needs.
AV Dawson Transport offers a range of logistical services to suit your business’ needs.
AV Dawson Transport services:
- Over 70+ vehicles on the road daily including integrated subcontractors working to AV Dawson’s HSEQ systems.
- Over 175 mixed type trailers for transportation of a wide range of product/cargo types
- ADR (International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road) compliant vehicles and drivers
- Approved and certified for carrying waste
- A friendly professional planning team with over 100+ years combined experience in transport and logistics
- Dedicated compliance team always ensuring safety and quality at all times.
- Specialist local hub distribution
- State-of-the-art transport management and POD systems.
- Serving railheads, ports and manufacturers
- Just-in-time, 24 hour and weekend deliveries
- Vehicles fitted with safety driven road management software, CCTV and state of the art tracking systems
- Intermodal storage port facilities at Port of Middlesbrough to maximise fleet efficiencies and customer requirements
- Integrated service for customers using AV Dawson’s railhead and port facilities at Port of Middlesbrough.

Why choose AV Dawson Transport
- DVSA earned recognition operator
- Over 175 trailers
- 45 uniquely branded trucks
- FORS Accredited
- Well connected