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Tees Titans

The Tees Valley is in the midst of its green industrial revolution, which is putting the region on the map for transformation, innovation and sustainability. Over the last two years, it has been presented with a plethora of green opportunities, from lithium battery plants to becoming a key driver in carbon capture storage utilisation (CCUS). Not to mention, it’s also home to Teesside Freeport—the UK’s first and largest Freeport.

The iconic River Tees, the beating heart of Middlesbrough and the wider Tees Valley, is central to the region. It is a vital artery for international trade and commercial activities. On the south side of the river is Port of Middlesbrough, owned and operated by AV Dawson, a port and multimodal logistics specialist.

Port of Middlesbrough’s location makes it one of the best-connected ports in the North East of England. It is also the only port in the region with heavy and high route access, meaning that regardless of the weight or height of the cargo, there are no obstructions restricting site access by road.

With 1km of prime river frontage, four rail-linked lock-free berths, including two deep-water berths, plus four rail terminals, the port has the capability and capacity to handle many cargo types.

Renowned for its prestigious safety reputation and professionalism, AV Dawson group recently obtained a Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) gold award for its commitment to health and safety.

A key focus: The firms' automotive metals storage facility, is an award-winning, environmentally focused building.

A key focus for the business moving forward is its green strategy and the strive to become carbon neutral.

Sustainability has always been at the forefront of AV Dawson’s blueprint for Port of Middlesbrough. In 2015, the Automotive Metals Store was constructed. This award-winning, climate-controlled, 100% renewable-powered warehouse featured ground-sourced heating, water harvesting, and solar panels. In the future, all new buildings built on site would include these environmentally friendly elements.

In recent years, the Middlesbrough firm has expanded its footprint on Riverside Park, acquiring and remediating land to create more space for its growing customer base.

Land and buildings at Port of Middlesbrough that are rented out to third parties represent a significant part of AV Dawson’s property portfolio. The site is home to 35 businesses which are tenants at Port of Middlesbrough, including  international, national, and local companies. One of those customers is alternative fuel producer, WasteKnot Energy (WKE).

WKE manufactures waste-to-energy pellets by recycling old industrial plastics. The pellets are processed, and the plastics are removed and then dried to become Solid, Improved Recovered Fuel (SIRF). The pellets are used as an alternative to coal, producing green energy while contributing to a circular economy.

In line with its environmental commitments, AV Dawson built the waste-to-energy processing facility and a warehouse for WKE to store the alternative fuel pellets onsite before they are exported overseas.

At the end of 2023, WKE welcomed its first international shipment of renewable energy pellets to the Middlesbrough port.

The vessel was loaded with 7,000 tonnes of recyclable fuel pellets, which WKE had produced at its newly commissioned processing plant and storage facilities.

Charlie Nettle, AV Dawson’s group managing director, said:

“Securing this exciting new project at Port of Middlesbrough is a big win for AV Dawson and Teesside. This revolutionary new product supports the journey to net zero by enabling businesses to transition from fossil fuels to a new source of green fuel. Attracting this project to Port of Middlesbrough also contributes to Teesside’s broader positioning as a hub for green energy.

“Having started this project in 2021, it’s great to finally see the first international shipment being exported. This project is over two years in the making, so this is a very proud moment for us and WKE to see it come to fruition.”

“It’s fascinating to be involved in these new green fuel and waste-to-energy sectors as they develop and it’s fantastic to be now chartering ships through our ships agency, Cockfield Knight and loading these ships at our site so that the pellets can be exported across the world.”

WKE’s Chief Executive Officer Ian Jones said: “This is a massive milestone for us as it represents the completion of commissioning, from the waste arriving at our plant to the product being shipped out.

“We’re ideally located for bulk shipments, and we can do anything from 3,000 to 10,000 tonnes in a single shipment.”

The movement of this shipment marks the start of a new chapter for the AV Dawson group as it expands into renewables and recyclables markets, contributing to the port’s environmental focus and green credentials.

Another environmental development for the Teesside firm is that it recently undertook a trial of some Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) trucks. These trucks provide an alternative to diesel-fuelled vehicles and run entirely on gas. 

CNG can reduce a vehicle’s carbon emissions by approximately 90%. The trial of these new trucks is the first step in reducing the carbon outputs of the firm’s transport business, AV Dawson Transport.

Switching from diesel to alternative fuels is big on the agenda the whole of the AV Dawson group. This transition is already underway with recent investments in electric forklift trucks, electric vans and the introduction of a company electric vehicle scheme.

Charlie continued, “As has been the case for many companies, the pandemic has been somewhat of an eye-opener and we recognised we really needed to ramp up our sustainability drive. This has been kick-started with the launch of our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy. The implementation of this strategy will allow us to focus heavily on these aspects.

“The strategy formulates our commitment to the planet, our engagement with the local community, and our focus on being an ethical, responsible business. We’re dedicated to inspiring and engaging with the community and the next generation, honouring our rich history, and protecting what we have built.”


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